Sunday, March 7, 2010

Last official meeting at Hillel before Costa Rica!


Welcome to our blog! 20 UCSB students are going to Costa Rica for Spring Break this year to help the wildlife. We'll be planting trees, helping sea turtles and other native animals, and engaging with the Costa Rican culture. We are all extremely excited for our trip!
Log on to this blog for updates.

This week's fundraisers:

Chino's Rock & Tacos
Monday, March 8 2010
10% all purchases go toward our trip!

Panda Express in the UCSB Hub
Wednesday, March 10 2010

Donate to our trip:
Make check out to SB Hillel with "Costa Rica" in the memo
Thanks for all your support!

The Fabulous Team Costa Rica:

Sasha, Adrienne, Keren, Scott, Shirley, Talia, Elana P., Hanna, Lauren, Tiffany, Michael, Jeremie, Phil, Daniel, Sam, Lauren, Elana K., Sarah, Samantha, Lindsay,
and our amazing Hillel Staff Member, Amber.

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