Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 4- Tuesday

Today we switched gears and volunteered outside of the Sanctuary. After an hour bus ride, we got out where the road ended and proceeded to walk almost 3 kilometers (5 miles!!) in the afternoon heat to a stretch of beach where we picked up trash. It was hot, hard, and dirty work... but it was extremely important. The large pieces of plastic littering the sand obstruct the path of sea turtles in laying their eggs. After filling our trash bags, we left them by the side for pickup later and started to walk back. Although we were EXHAUSTED, it was a gorgeous beach and we also go to enjoy a beautiful sunset.

After stuffing our bellies at the bar/restaurant, we took the bus back to the hotel. As most of us had fallen asleep on the drive, we dragged our tired bodies to our rooms, showered, and went to bed!!

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