Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 5- Wednesday

Today was also unique. We left the hotel at 7am (not easy!) so that we could get to an elementary school early. We passed out coloring books, stickers, kaleidoscopes, and blew bubbles with the school children. Mary lectured on the importance of wildlife conservation and marine preservation. We loved playing with the kids and they loved the attention!

After the kids went back to class, the group split up. Half of the SLABers went to Montezuma for shopping and lunch. The rest of us hiked to a waterfall and swam in the pool of water at the bottom. It was an absolutely refreshing treat from the heat!

We reconvened at the hotel later that night and Amber led Jewish learning. We continued our discussion on community and ranked the communities in our life. Amber asked us to consider what we got back from these communities and what was our role and responsibility within them. It was yet another great dialogue and although we were all tired, there was great participation and new thoughts to consider.

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